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Church Tech Talk Series

Ministry in the Digital Age, Notes from Glenn Packiam’s Wfx Keynote


This post is a summary of the last keynote at Worship FX 2013.  The speaker was Glenn Packiam and he gave a challenging talk about how we are (or are not) using technology in the church to spread the gospel.  Here are my notes exactly as I wrote them (with an iPhone mind you).  Comment if you need any clarification on anything.  Make sure you follow Glenn on twitter for more inspiration like this.

“Ministry in Digital Age”
By: Glenn Packiam,
@gpackiam (on twitter)

If we say it isn’t about me, why don’t we embody that message in what we actually do?

How can we make our services truly Christ centered?

The sending idea is about being gospel shaped.

We are not thinking like story tellers. we are thinking like entertainers.

Maybe the missing ingredient is the narrative.

“Spirit-led. I don’t mean spirit led as in loosy-goosy. The spirit is not always spontaneous. Sometimes he’s right on schedule. He means we need to speak the language of our culture as what was done at the day of Pentecost. Who is this city made up of? Learn who they are and give them the gospel in their own language.”

Nobody has challenged us to think more deeply than we are.

Is the addition of technology and product the best way to lead the people here in front of us to Jesus?

May everything that is said sung and done lead people to Jesus by the power of he Holy Spirit amen.

You can use technology to entertain or we can use technology to illuminate. Be illuminators.

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